CBD oil considerations and other explorative ways to sooth

It can be very difficult to manage pain. The negative impacts should not be ignored.  

 Cannabis was medically sanctioned as a painkiller, sleep aid and anticonvulsant in the West in the 1850’s. By 1961, it was deemed a ‘Narcotic and criminalised.

 Driven by AIDS activists cannabis has been argued to alleviate nausea and wasting associated with the later stages of some diseases.

 The New Scientist 4 august 2018 cover story warns cannabis floods your body with at least 400 compounds, about 100 of which are classed as cannabinoids. Regulatory agencies only approve single, highly purified active compounds. Cannabinoids interact with the important signalling network spread throughout the nervous and immune systems. This use of externally modulating things like pain, appetite, mood and learning are involved brain development and maturation.

The exact function is not known, there is not much information to which cannabinoids latch to which receptors and how they interact. Furthermore certain cannabinoids only activate in the presence of others but again it is not understood.

It seems the CBD counteracts the addictive and psychotic effects of THC, but this needs further research to proportionally back it.  The US market at present reflects a preference for high THC content. A 2018 study found that most commonly used whole cannabis contains 22 per cent THC and almost no CBD

Despite California and Netherlands freely accessing cannabis for decades and having no epidemic of addiction or mental health problems. It seems this is highly variable based on people, place, stages and individual difference and circumstance. Presently it is largely the user’s responsibility to play around with the different strains, doses and producers.




  • Ask yourself questions and ask others to check this


  • Quality of life i.e. is it a substitute to more harmful behaviours or medicines.


  • Is the risk being controlled?


Certainly when it comes to chronic pain it would be irresponsible to dismiss the possibility of how opiods have become accidently addictive and the secondary effects this can have.


Many people mention to me how great CBD oil worked when they first started using it.

Just like placebo effect, body&mind responds positively when we decide we want find a way to control our own health. You are telling yourself there is hope and you have the ability to deal with this issue.


Exploring creative and enjoyable solutions can be equally soothing and often surprising.

Lists can be exhaustive but consider things based on


  • Ways to understand yourself or the person you are caring for
  • Your/their potential & current purpose, their identity
  • Understanding how you/others currently view yourself/another person, how they fit into society.


There should be help out there.



Are you getting enough support, emotionally, financially, practically & professionally?




If there isn’t think of ways you can take action, maybe your story can help others access something!


Who do I want to be?  


I hoard/consume/overuse (medication, exercise)

I am not moving/learning  (boredom, tiredness)

I don’t allow things to process

I don’t accept & understand things for myself



I control compulsion, bad habits & actions

I start to let go of that which I cannot control

 I identify my emotions

I take stock of the situation

I evaluate and think about how to proceed

 I recognize that we are all doing our best



I find a purpose.

I think of others and look for ways to help them

I use my talents to serve those who may need them

I live in the present and focus on the future

I’m empathic with myself and others

I’m grateful and appreciative

I maintain a happy emotional state and spread hope

I look for ways to adapt to the new changes.

I practice quiet, patience, relationships and creativity

Carol Samuel is the only tutor in Britain that teaches nerve and is especially helpful in treating pain management. reflexology 

creates a state of relaxation to help lower heart rate and produces a very calming effect. This in turn can have an effect on the stress response that in turn effects the immune system. The immune system plays important role pain management. The immune system produces neuro chemicals which increase the inflammatory response which influences  pain.  




The origins of Reflexology evidently reach back to ancient Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in the physician’s tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. We cannot determine the exact relationship between the ancient art as practiced by the early Egyptians and Reflexology as we know it today. Different forms of working the feet to effect health have been used all over the ancient world. Dr. Riley maintained that this form of healing spread from Egypt via the Roman Empire.

The Zone Theory Reflexology began with Dr. William H. Fitzgerald, M.D. whom Dr. Edwin Bowers, M.D.. Dr. Fitzgerald, was an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. He proposes pressure applied to the corresponding zones corresponding to the location of the injury. Dr. Fitzgerald discovered a very interesting fact, that the application of pressure on the zones not only relieved pain but in the majority of cases also relieved the underlying cause as well.

The same result is experienced through Reflexology today, which is based partially on the Zone Theory. Dr. Shelby Riley, M.D. worked closely with Dr. Fitzgerald and developed the Zone Theory further. It seems that he added horizontal zones across the hands and feet, together with the longitudinal zones and thus determining individual reflexes according to the Zone Theory. He, like Fitzgerald, espoused continual pressure on the reflex or point of contact.

Eunice D. Ingham, a Physical Therapist, worked closely with Dr. Riley and was fascinated by the concept of Zone Therapy and started developing her foot reflex theory in the early 1930's. She had the opportunity to treat hundreds of patients where each reflex point of contact had been carefully and thoughtfully checked and rechecked until with all confidence she was able to determine that the reflexes on the feet were an exact mirror image of the organs of the body. Dr. Riley encouraged her to write her first book entitled "Stories The Feet Can Tell" where she documented her cases and carefully mapped out the reflexes on the feet as we know them today.

Don't stop moving but allow your feet a pamper


Feet forced into certain shoes is a common phenomena but feet are highly versatile and resilient. 

Feet are capable 3500 kg of holding bearing and holding weight, so misalignment in your posture will be burden you but will not stop you from doing a lot of things.

Each food comprises 26 bones with 33 joints, over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments .Tendons are fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones and ligaments are fibrous tissues that connect bones to other bones. Changes in the foot and physical density implies there is strain on the bone and muscle in the foot and leg. Therefore the your whole leg and foot being put under constant tension.

Reflexology can begin to localize areas on the foot pain free reflex activity of the foot and leg muscles to begin to reverse strain.   

If our long foot muscles get compromised,  we have counterbalance.

A treatment can pay particular attention to relief certain reflex areas,

A narrow shoe for example can put upper body muscles under greater strain. 

Our foot ligaments loose elacticity that keep bones in their place. 

 The network of blood vessels, nerves, skin, and soft tissue. All these components combine and work in unison to provide the body with mobility, support and balance.

Reflexology encourages muscle release and increasing foot mobility through Reflexology treatments combined with self treatment can help provide correction. Movement is vital to our health and taking control over making sure our body gets a deep relax is part of this responsibility. Greater awareness of our overall functioning through Reflexology can encourage recuperation in many areas of the body.  

I encourage men to come as Reflexology is not just a pamper, it is a sequence of movements over the feet, hands, face that result in increased relaxation through no effort. This can encouraging your body to recover from where it is depleted or simply give you more drive. It can have quite surprising results that you won't know until you try. You do not have to believe in it for it to work and you do not need to remove any clothing, other than your socks, in the case of a foot treatment.   


The nervous system has a developed the sense called proprioception. 

Proprioception, also often referred to as the sixth sense, was developed by the nervous system as a means to keep track of and control the different parts of the body.  is as important, if not more important as the other senses, for normal functioning. Proprioception is "the process by which the body can vary muscle contraction in immediate response to incoming information regarding external forces," by utilizing stretch receptors in the muscles to keep track of the joint position in the body.
Proprioception (or kinesthesia) the sensation of joint motion and acceleration, are the sensory feedback mechanisms for motor control and posture. 


It is said that 50% of health problems are related to spinal disorders or misalignment. 

Reflexology has does By releasing tension in all tissue that connects from the bone outwards, we hope to relieve tension within the layers of fascia where layers of memory of injury lie. I have been influenced by two main pillars in Reflexology when it comes to helping to support and stabilize the body. 

Lynne Booth through Vertical Reflexology helps provide valuable easy applied techniques by providing simplified charts that link the spinal vertebrae and some nerve inervations to various parts of the body.  

Consistently wearing shoes that are not appropriately fitting or even designed to be improving performance for a specific activity, or required for that certain sport, i.e. horse riding can create joint and ligament weakening, fusing of bones, which can exacerbate other problems in the body.

Both ...... have provided simple techniques that can be used as a stand alone as well as combined in a Conventional Reflexology treatment as well as self help tools to be used pre and post performance.    

Allow more space in the joints, i

allowing the foot to relax. Y

ou can seperate the foot into the arch of heel, (calcaneous, cuboid and the bones of the first two toes function to stabilse the body. This arch needs room to move as it is a shiok absorber and spring for the body. 

unction to weight . This arch provides sp

On the Dorsal aspect of the foot, sitting under the leg bone, talus, navicular, the  3 cuniforms and the first three toe bones.   This helps you propel energy forwards. Encouraging more space  through relieving tension in the foot and improving blood flow to the tissue in these areas can promote can improve the strain on the ligaments and spine connected to this area.  

 Geraldine has uses Zone theory and isolate the muscle/ligaments to show how their functon to created functional Reflexology. Sites of tension in these physical attachments coincide with reflex areas.  All foot attachments that help us move are foot are connected to the long leg muscles all the way up to the popliteal triangle. 


If you make a barefoot footprint you can start to identify where pressure is being exerted, what ligaments and tissue are becoming redundant due to your own footwear. The physically map the areas connected throughout your whole posture. 

The feet can be the last to show pain and thereby can be combined as a tool for reversal. I believe this is why Vertical Reflexology  ( Lynne Booth) and Fuctional Reflexology by Geraldine Villeneuve are so useful for physical 

Lynne Booth has provided Precise massage and stimulation of the reflexes in the feet can offer an athlete that possible extra 1% in performance which makes the difference between winning and losing.  


in order to gain some support or control over  

Dr. Benson recommends practicing the relaxation response twice a day, for 10 to 20 minutes, similar to what other meditation experts recommend. Here's how to do it.

  • Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed.
  • Relax your muscles and silently repeat a word, phrase, sound, or short prayer of your choosing over and over.
  • When stray thoughts interfere (as they will), let them come and go and return to your word, phrase, or sound.

A Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

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