I have witnessed through Reflexology treatments people's confidence issues improving and a better mental well being.
Neuroscience is showing that our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are shaped also by the internal signals that arise from our body.
Sense of self is a key part of our consciousness
Our body helps generate our sense of self
A neurophysical experiment shows a link between interception and brains notion of self.
Participants watched a simulation of having their backs stroked showed after this, they reported their physical feelings being closer to an object than they actually were. This implies our body self is anything but passive. It intervenes with every decision. This could explain changes in our bodies self-conscious can lead to displacement/distorted views of our own bodies virtual self.
SELF CARE involves intention and control.
Rather than feeling you have a symptom that seems out of your control. Applying cumulative techniques daily and witnessing the changes empower you. I and many others who have carried out Reflexology self care routines have had varies different positive physcial responses but the emotional responses are quite easy to sum up. A sense of
Being empowered by our own mind and body's response.
Physiologist Benjamin Libet detected a signal that arose in the brain just before a person became aware of their intention. So through this we can control the effect of a symptom. Libet indicates acts of free will are a hostage to a host of inner body states.