Dien Chan Zone ‘Dien Chan’ is a form of facial reflexology that implies the principle that by stimulating one part of the body, another part of the body is rebalanced.
Dien Chan was established in Vietnam using infinite acupuncture points and maps to create a therapeutic possibility. This brilliant and modern intuition has led to the depiction of the internal organs are placed upon, and connected to, the face. Therein, Dien Chan in its full application is a ‘multi-reflexology’.
Dien Chan Reflexology and Vietnamese medicine puts the face at the centre of everything through massage, stimulation and knowledge of vital points. The Vietnamese were already working with the face to resolve health problems for hundreds and thousands of years. Indeed, facial massage remains and popular aspect of their culture today.
Beatrice Moricoli and Vittorio Bergagnini, two Italian therapists who studied with Dr Chau Professor Chau and adapted it to suit Western culture. The treatment now uses a delicate “pointer” tool to access the 633 nerve points to bring balance. It’s an incredibly relaxing, soothing treatment like no other. Until recently, it has only been taught in Italy but Helen Black is now taking this powerful therapy around the world.